Kupanda Kukayikira Koyenera

Zomwe Zimayipitsa
1 Afarisi ndi alembi ena amene anachokera ku Yerusalemu anasonkhana mozungulira Yesu.2 ndipo anaona ena a akuphunzira ake akudya chakudya ndi manja oipitsidwa, ndiwo osasamba. . . .3(Afarisi ndi Ayuda onse sadya, akapanda kusamba m'manja mwao mwa mwambo, akusunga mwambo wa akulu).4 Akabwera kuchokera kumsika sadya pokhapokha atasamba. Ndipo amasunga miyambo ina yambiri, monga kutsuka zikho, mitsuko, ndi mapoto. a )
5 + Choncho Afarisi ndi aphunzitsi amalamulo anafunsa Yesu kuti: “N’chifukwa chiyani ophunzira anu satsatira mwambo wa akulu m’malo modya chakudya chawo ndi manja odetsedwa?
6 Iye anayankha kuti, “Yesaya analosera bwino za inu onyenga inu; monga kwalembedwa:
“ ‘Anthu awa amandilemekeza ndi milomo yawo,
koma mtima wao uli kutali ndi Ine.
7 Amandipembedza pachabe;
ziphunzitso zawo ndi malamulo a anthu.' b
8 Mwasiya malamulo a Mulungu, ndi kusunga miyambo ya anthu.
9 Ndipo anapitiriza kuti, “Muli ndi njira yabwino yochotsera malamulo a Mulungu kuti musunge—cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_c miyambo yanu! 10 Pakuti Mose anati, Lemekeza atate wako ndi amako;d ndiponso, 'Aliyense wotemberera atate wake kapena amayi wake aziphedwa ndithu.' e 11 Koma inu munena kuti, ngati wina anena kuti chimene chinagwiritsidwa ntchito kuthandiza atate wake kapena amake ndi Korbani (ndiko kuti, wodzipereka kwa Mulungu)— 12ndipo simudzawalolanso kuchitira atate wake kapena amake kalikonse.13 Momwemo mupeputsa mau a Mulungu ndi mwambo wanu, umene mudaupereka. Ndipo umachita zinthu zambiri ngati zimenezo.”
14Ndipo Yesu anaitananso khamu la anthu kwa iye, nanena, Mverani Ine nonsenu, ndipo zindikirani ichi.15 Palibe kanthu kunja kwa munthu kangadetse munthu polowa mmenemo. koma chimene chimatuluka mwa munthu ndicho chimamuipitsa.” [16] f
17 Iye atatuluka m’khamu la anthu, nalowa m’nyumba, ophunzira ake anamfunsa za fanizo ili.18“Kodi ndiwe wotopa kwambiri?" anafunsa. Kodi simukuwona kuti kanthu kochokera kunja kolowa mwa munthu sikungamudetse?19 Pakuti sichilowa m’mitima mwawo, koma m’mimba mwawo, ndimonso kutuluka m’thupi. (Ponena izi, Yesu adayeretsa zakudya zonse.)
Mark 7
There is no such thing as unclean food! You will not find any definition of what is food in the new testament, only in the book of Leviticus, God's food laws it is not optional,
The translators added (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean.)
What Defiles a Person
For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, that defiled man.
Supporting facts
He gave a parable that Yeshua was disappointed with His disciples for not understand.
(Thus he declared all foods clean.) this was added to the text, If he said this it would have shown he was not the messiah because he would have sinned,the messiah was without sin.